Monday, January 28, 2008

A very sentimental boy

Today, Gavin asked, "Will it EVER be 2007 again?"
To this I answered, "No."
"Even if... when..." but he had no words to finish these questions because he realized that it can't happen.

I believe this line of questioning stems from his tendency to become extremely emotionally attached to concepts, ideas, and inanimate objects, including toys (of course), clothing, blankets, towels, pillows, rocks, sticks, etc. Pretty much anything and everything he comes into contact with.

He gets upset about getting rid of anything, and it seems to tear him up inside. He often gets teary eyed when something breaks (doesn't have to be his thing) or when he's faced with the prospect of losing something that has once belonged to him, or something he has touched, he has seen, or even thought about. I once went to throw out his old beat-up toothbrush after he just got a new one from the dentist. He wanted no part of this. "We can just keep it, and I can use the new one."

The same scenario occurred when I was trying to hand down a pair of his shoes that he had outgrown.

The other day, we were getting ready to paint OUR (mine and Mike's) bedroom. Here's how our conversation went down.

Why are you painting it brown?
Because it's been green for 8 years, and I'm ready for a change.
Don't you like green?
Yes, but, I'm tired of looking at green. Daddy doesn't want the green walls anymore either.
Won't you miss green?
Will you EVER paint your room green again?
Maybe someday.
I don't know. Probably not for a while. I'm kind of tired of green.

Toward the end of the conversation, he was getting choked up, so I think that's when he finally accepted that our walls are going to be brown.

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