Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sneaky little girl

This morning when the kids were getting ready to head out the door to the bus stop, I noticed a pile of about 6 stuffed animals by the door. I said, "Who's stuff is this?" Emma replied, "That's mine, for nap." To this I responded, "Pick one. You only need one for nap." I thought we were clear on this subject, until I saw Emma pull out a bunch of stuffed animals from inside her coat while walking up the steps to get on the bus. She snuck those toys to school! I guess I won't hold it against her today, since today is her birthday.

Speaking of which, I can't believe Emma and Gavin are 6 years old. I remember the day they were born as if it were yesterday. I know that sounds so cliche, but it's true. It's weird, it seems like they were just tiny little babies, but, I also can barely remember life without them.

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