Sunday, November 16, 2008

Last night, I went to the liquor store with Emma and Gavin. Normally I wouldn't bring them with me, but I offered to bring a bottle of wine to a function tomorrow, which happens to be Sunday, and liquor stores aren't opened on Sundays. (Mike and Lilah are in Madison) Anyway...

As we were leaving, the clerk gave them suckers and all was good.

In the car on the way home, I said, "That was a nice surprise to get a sucker. I suppose you guys are going to want to "help" me at the liquor store whenever I go from now on."

Emma, "Why do they call it a liquor store? Because of the suckers and all the licking?"

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Educational Programming Inspires Young Mathemetician

Gavin- If there are 168 hours in a week, how many hours until my birthday?
Me- Is that right? 168 hours in a week?
Gavin- Yes!
Me- Who told you that?
Gavin- SpongeBob