Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Day of School

First day of 3rd grade- she's getting so big.
First day of 1st grade, and first time being in a class without his caretaker. I was a little nervous for him at first. A couple of weeks before school started, he asked why he couldn't be in the same class with Emma. I told him that usually that's what the teachers decide is best for twins. His bottom lip started to quiver at the thought, and he said, "But, I'll miss her," and then he started to cry. He's managing just fine.
First day of first grade, and first time in class not being someone's caretaker.

This sounds like me when I was a kid

Mike - Your room is so messy. How can you stand it? (or something to that nature)
E- Why do you even come in here then?
Mike - If I didn't, you'd never be able to get through the mess to find your bed.
E- Yes we could. We could go like this... (Emma motions doing the breaststroke through the air, as if to swim through the clutter)

On another occasion...
Lilah asked:
Why do we have to make our bed? We're just going to sleep in it later anyway.