Friday, February 15, 2008


Gavin came into a little money for his b-day, and decided he wanted to buy a platypus webkinz with his money. We went to the local webkinz distributor and they were all out of the platypus, so he got a pig (he named his pig Carl) instead, because he couldn't wait another day to try a different store for the platypus. The way he say's "pull-latypus" is so darn cute. He must have said the word at least ten times within a 2 minute time frame.

-Did you know the pull-latypus is my favorite animal?
-No, I did not know that.
-That's o.k. that they don't have a pull-latypus here, because I'll get a pull-latypus next time. A pull-latypus is one of the only mammals that lays eggs.
-Yep, that's right.
-Do you think they have a pull-latypus at another store?
-I'm sure they do, maybe you should wait until tomorrow, and look at a different store.
-No, that's o.k. I'll get the pull-latypus next time.

Later, Mike enters the picture.
-They didn't have the pull-latypus, so I got the pig.

Me to Mike-Did you know that pull-latypuses are Gavin's favorite animal? Or should I say, pull-latypi?

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