Friday, February 1, 2008


Emma and Gavin are having their final birthday hoopla on Sunday. Their birthday is like the Energizer bunny, it keeps going, and going, and going. Anyway, they're having the "kid" party at a nature center. I just found out that they have a choice to make about which animal they want to have brought out during the fiesta. Choices include: turtles, snake, hawk, or salamander. They are supposed to choose one. You can guess where this is going.

E-I want turtles.
G-But I want snakes.
E- I really love turtles.
G- But snakes are so cool. They're like my 2nd favorite animal. Mommy, do you think they could bring out an elephant instead? (no elephants)
E- But I don't even really like snakes. They're like, my 8th favorite.
G- But turtles are my second worst animal.
E- But I really want turtles.
Me- What about hawks? They're really cool.
E & G in unison -No

After about 10 minutes of this, Gavin finally agreed to have turtles.

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