Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A preview of teenage years to come

Recently, I've noticed a certain 3 children challenging my authority and opinions along with many of the decisions I make.

The other day, I was getting a snack ready and the kids were playing outside. The door was open, so I could hear what they were doing in the backyard. And, boy, could I ever hear them. They were playing some sort of game, pretending they were hurt. With all the screaming, I was worried about what the neighbors might think. I went outside and said:

Hey, you guys, stop all the screaming. The whole neighborhood can hear you.

Gavin responded- How do you know?

Hello! What do you mean, how do I know. I'm your mother. I know everything.

Lilah responds to requests she doesn't like with..."Why can't I just..."


Me- You can go outside after you clean up your room.
L- Why can't I just clean it after I go outside?

Gavin adds a "but Mommy,..." when things aren't corresponding to his wishes.
It's time for bed. Get your pj's on.

But Mommy, why can't I have just one more book?

Emma is pretty cooperative most of the time. Sometimes, though, when things don't go her way, she stars in her own drama show. She'll go to her room and throw herself on the bed and sob into her pillow. I've actually caught her peeking up around her pillow to see if anyone is watching. When she realizes this behavior doesn't get the results she's looking for, she moves on to something else.

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