Friday, April 4, 2008

Bedtime Rituals

Every night, as part of our bedtime ritual, we play a game called- "I'm thinking of a ______." With Gavin, it's always an animal. It used to be o.k. to just say something like:
-I'm thinking of an animal. It's gray, with big ears, and has a long trunk.

Now, he likes more of a challenge. I usually start off by saying, "I'm thinking of an animal. It's a mammal..." Then I usually describe the attributes of a mammal. Last night, I reminded him that mammals have fur or hair, the babies drink milk from their mothers, they're warm blooded, and the babies are born alive. He was confused by the last part, then I said they are born as live babies, not eggs. Then I said,
"You know Gavin, you are a mammal."
He responded, "I know that. So, then you are an amphibian?"

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