Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Little Sibling Competition
Kids think of the most bazarro things.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
As we were leaving, the clerk gave them suckers and all was good.
In the car on the way home, I said, "That was a nice surprise to get a sucker. I suppose you guys are going to want to "help" me at the liquor store whenever I go from now on."
Emma, "Why do they call it a liquor store? Because of the suckers and all the licking?"
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Educational Programming Inspires Young Mathemetician
Me- Is that right? 168 hours in a week?
Gavin- Yes!
Me- Who told you that?
Gavin- SpongeBob
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
First Day of School
This sounds like me when I was a kid
E- Why do you even come in here then?
Mike - If I didn't, you'd never be able to get through the mess to find your bed.
E- Yes we could. We could go like this... (Emma motions doing the breaststroke through the air, as if to swim through the clutter)
On another occasion...
Lilah asked:
Why do we have to make our bed? We're just going to sleep in it later anyway.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Inquiring mind wants to know
How much hours from a half of a day is tewnty-four hours?
I'm not sure I understand the question.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Kids say the darndest things
I felt compelled to warn Teresa (mom of Jonna) about how Gavin feels right at home wherever he goes. He says it how he sees it, without regard to social ettiquette. I asked her not to hold it against me if he said something off the wall, that normally might offend people. She laughed and told me about a boy who came to her house and commented on all the dust.
So I went on my merry way, and returned after a couple of hours. After few minutes of recapping the events that transpired during the playdate, Teresa shared with me a comment from Gavin:
He said, "Wow, your house sure is messy!"
I tried to fix the damage by saying:
"You should see our house. I'm surprised he would say that, since our house is much messier."
Gavin pipes in and adds:
"No it's not! (pointing) Look at that room, and look at that room! Their house is WAY messier than ours!"
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Inquiring mind
G-Why were Grandma and Grandpa 1 year old, 102 years ago?
Me-They weren't even born 102 years ago.
G-Well, how old are they then?
Me-Grandma is 59 and Grandpa is 62.
G-Well, why were they one year old 58 and 61 years ago?
Me-That's the way time works.
G (without even the slightest hesitation for transition to a new topic)- I want a wife when I grow up. And I want a wife who wants kids.
Me- That sounds good.
G- Will I have to kiss my wife?
Me-You will probably want to.
G- Why?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Human Beans
"When we get to the restaurant, I want you guys to act like civilized human beings."
Emma was confused. With her head cocked and brows furrowed, she asked, "You mean like brown beans?"
Thursday, August 7, 2008
More Montana Highlights
Once we arrived at Glacier, we were amazed at the beautiful scenery. The mountainviews were a big highlight.
Skipping rocks was a favorite passtime.
Whitewater rafting on the Flathead River- the kids would say this was the best part of the trip. Mike and I liked it, too!
Lilah loved horseback riding, even though her horse turned around and reared up- kicking the horse in front of him! I was scared watching, but Lilah hung on, and continued on the ride.
We had so much fun, we weren't even ready to come home after being gone for 2 weeks, although we did miss Duncan, and couldn't wait to see him. Gavin suggested that we have two houses, one in MN and one in MT. I thought that was a great idea, but we'd have to start saving now.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A Glacier Highlight
Without any prompting, Emma said, "Gavin, you can share mine if you want."
If that's not a selfless act of love, I don't know what one is.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Middle of Nowhere
How long does it take to get to the middle of nowhere?
Where is the middle of nowhere, anyway?
Is the middle of nowhere in Canada?
What's the middle of nowhere like?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Cabin Highlights
Fishing on the pontoon
Kissing Fish...
4th of July Parade in Walker (thank you Mike!)...
Doing Sparklers...
Watching fireworks from the boat in Walker Bay...
Watching a movie in the lodge and getting a sucker stuck in Daisy's tail (tiny little dog belonging to the owners)...
Lilah learned to ski, but since I was in the water helping her, and Mike was driving the boat, we have no photographic documentation of the event.
I'm totally disappointed in myself, because I forgot to take the annual picture of Lilah in the blue chair. I've been doing this since she was just 1 month old the first year. My mom even gave me a reminder, and I still forgot.
(2007 annual photo of Lilah-in-the-blue-chair)
A clip from the talent show-(listen for the plankton)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Sibling Competition
Last night, around 9:15 (the time is an important factor when understanding Gavin's ability, or lack there of, to think rationally), the kids and neighbor kids were running races along the sidewalk. Emma kept winning every race. It was almost painful to watch Gavin. His little face was so determined, and he put forth all his might, to no avail. He was starting to get upset (understatement), so I mouthed the words "LET HIM WIN" to Emma. She looked at me like I was a crazy woman. "What?" she said, thinking she didn't understand me correctly, for, why in the world would she do something so absurd as to throw a race? So she came up to me and asked what I said. "Let him win, just once," I answered. "Why? That wouldn't be fair. And, plus, you always tell us to do our best," was her response. (She had a point, and yes, I'm babying Gavin too much, but, his incessant crying was really getting to me, and I knew it would stop if he just won a race. Once in a while, life doesn't have to teach us a lesson, we just need things to go our way) "He's very tired and upset, and it would make him feel good to win, just once." She didn't answer and just went off to race. She ran along right beside her brother in a haphazard, doo-dee-doo kind of lollygag, so everyone (except for Gavin, who, of course was giving it his all) could see how she wasn't really trying, all the while, glancing in my direction to make sure I was watching. It turned out to be a tie at the finish. She looked at me and smiled. This was her best attempt at letting someone else win. Gavin was satisfied with the result.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Catching up
We've been trying to have special outings with just one of us and one kid- kind of like a date night.
Oh, yes, I forgot to mention the head set and microphone that came with the style.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Backrub Conversation
related information- I worked out at the club earlier this evening.
Me- I'm sorry if I stink.
G- That's o.k., mommy. You don't really stink that bad.
Me- (laughing)
G- Why are you laughing.
Me- Because you're funny.
G- Well, actually mommy, you do stink.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
G- Can you think of one more animal?
Me- No, I'm tired.
G-Are you tired of talking?
Me-Yes. Aren't you?
G- Never.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Profanity continued
Me-I don't know what word that is.
G- You know, the "dad-b" word
Me- I don't know what you're talking about. You can just tell me.
G- Dad Blame-It
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
"It must be a grown-up and not a kid playing, that 'uhcuz there aren't any squeaks."
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Profanity continued
G- Mommy, can I say the "b" word?
Me- What word is that?
G- The b-o-t word.
Me- I don't know what that word is.
G- Oh, I mean the b-u-t word.
Me- No, you shouldn't really say it (especially at school if you're trying to make kids laugh) if you're referring to your bottom.
G- But, I didn't say that word. I said "buttcrack."
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Life Can Be So Unfair
-My trike cheated. It wouldn't let me turn.
Right after he said this, Emma asked him what was wrong. "Why are you crying, Gavin?" she asked empathetically.
To this, he replied, "I never win races!"
And the sobbing continued for a few minutes.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
L-Mommy, Gavin said the "s" word today.
Me-Gavin, is that true?
L-Yes you did, Gavin.
Me- Didn't you tell on Emma yesterday for using the "s" word? (word in reference here is stupid)
G-I didn't say it.
L-You said the "s-w-" word.
Gavin got really quiet and looked down, seeming totally guilty and ashamed, almost ready to cry. All the while, I was a little confused. I was searching my brain for what the word could possibly be, and could not for the life of me figure it out.
Me- I have no idea what word you're talking about.
L-It starts with s-w
Me-I'm still not following you.
L (whispers as she spells)- s-w-a-r-e
Me- What? He said the word "swear?"
L- yes, like, "I swear.."
Me- That's not really a bad word. Also, it's s-w-e-a-r. But, just to clarify, if you know a word is a bad word, don't use it. If you think it's a bad word, don't use it. If you're not sure whether or not it's a bad word, don't use it.
This morning, Emma was talking to Mike.
E-Daddy, Jonna says the "f" word at school. And so does Jaylon.
Mike- Really.
E- Yeah. It starts with an "f" and ends with "art"
Monday, April 28, 2008
Still innocent
E- Gavin, did you fart.
G-No. I'm telling on you for saying the "f" word!
I guess he was too busy to tattle, because he never came upstairs.
Later the same evening, Gavin informed me of this...
G-Mommy, Emma said the "s" word today.
E- No I didn't!
G- Yes you did!
Me- What word are you referring to?
G- I can't say it. But, it's the "s-t" word.
Me- What?
G- (Gavin comes up to me, cups his hand around my ear and whispers) STUPID
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Kissing Up
Daddy- No
Emma- Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty please!?!?!?!
Emma- You look very handsome, Daddy.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
God works in mysterious ways
Not too long ago, I was unloading bags of groceries from the car. One of the handles of a bag broke as I was carrying it into the house. The contents spilled all over the sidewalk. I was obviously frustrated with the situation.
Gavin asked:
Did God make that happen?
A preview of teenage years to come
The other day, I was getting a snack ready and the kids were playing outside. The door was open, so I could hear what they were doing in the backyard. And, boy, could I ever hear them. They were playing some sort of game, pretending they were hurt. With all the screaming, I was worried about what the neighbors might think. I went outside and said:
Hey, you guys, stop all the screaming. The whole neighborhood can hear you.
Gavin responded- How do you know?
Hello! What do you mean, how do I know. I'm your mother. I know everything.
Lilah responds to requests she doesn't like with..."Why can't I just..."
Me- You can go outside after you clean up your room.L- Why can't I just clean it after I go outside?
Gavin adds a "but Mommy,..." when things aren't corresponding to his wishes.
It's time for bed. Get your pj's on.
But Mommy, why can't I have just one more book?
Emma is pretty cooperative most of the time. Sometimes, though, when things don't go her way, she stars in her own drama show. She'll go to her room and throw herself on the bed and sob into her pillow. I've actually caught her peeking up around her pillow to see if anyone is watching. When she realizes this behavior doesn't get the results she's looking for, she moves on to something else.
Interpreting the world
G-Mommy, why is that man smoking?
Me- I don't know, but it's bad for him.
E- You should only smoke if it's really cold outside.
Me- Well, you should never smoke. It's bad for you, and it doesn't have anything to do with warming a person up.
G-Why did God even invent smoking?
E- Why did God invent fire?
Me- Well, fire is good for many reasons.
G- The sun is made of fire and gases. How does the sun stay up in the sky anyway?
E- I know! It stays up there with a giant string.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Inquiring mind
Me- I don't know. I've never been dead.
G- When you're dead can you tell me that?
Me- I don't think I'll be able to, since I'll be dead.
G- Ok, then, when I'm dead I'll know.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Bedtime Rituals
-I'm thinking of an animal. It's gray, with big ears, and has a long trunk.
Now, he likes more of a challenge. I usually start off by saying, "I'm thinking of an animal. It's a mammal..." Then I usually describe the attributes of a mammal. Last night, I reminded him that mammals have fur or hair, the babies drink milk from their mothers, they're warm blooded, and the babies are born alive. He was confused by the last part, then I said they are born as live babies, not eggs. Then I said,
"You know Gavin, you are a mammal."
He responded, "I know that. So, then you are an amphibian?"
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Inquiring mind
Hey, Emma. Do you still got that hole in your private?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Fish Killers
When Mike and the kids first brought the fish home, the poor creatures kept dying. Mike kept going back to the pet store to get more, and would return with three new fish that would perish within about 3 days. After repeating this a couple of times, I went to do the duty of replenishing our pets and asked the pet experts what we were doing wrong. Why did our fish keep dying? It turned out that we were buying feeder fish- the kind that are destined to be eaten by animals such as turtles and snakes. The kind that aren't supposed to be kept as pets. The kind that are not expected to live in our tank for more than a week.
When Mike first started cleaning the tank (this task is done about 3 times per year), the fish would inevitbly die. They are so sensitive to water temperatures and chemicals within the water. Over the past year or more though, we have- I should say Mike has- learned to clean the tank and keep the fish alive in the process. Up until this last tank cleaning...
Last weekend, I went out of town with the kids while our floors were being refinished. The tank was filthy, and this was a perfect opportunity to clean it, since we had to move it out of Gavin's room anyway. In one of our phone conversations, Mike informed me that the fish didn't make it. I was particularly concerned about how Gavin was going to react to this unfortunate event. We talked about what we were going to do. Should Mike buy more fish before the kids got home so the death would go unnoticed, or should we inform the kids and go get new fish together, or should we just take a break from being owners of pet fish for a while. We never really came to a decision, so when the kids and I got home, there was the empty fish tank sitting on the island.
The empty tank didn't go unnoticed for long. Gavin was too busy playing on the computer, but both Lilah and Emma inquired over the whereabouts of the fish. When I broke the news to her, Lilah asked when we were going to get new fish. Before stopping to think and process the idea that popped into my head, I blurted out- "Maybe we should get something easier to take care of, like a hermit crab, or something."
My concern about how Gavin would react comes into play here.
About 30 minutes later, Gavin came to me and said:
G- Can we go to the store to get hermit crabs today? Did you know that hermit crabs are my new 5th favorite animal?
Me- What's your favorite animal?
G-Everybody knows that. It's an elephant.
Me- So what's your second?
G- A snake.
Me- And third?
G- Hmm. I forgot that one.
Me- And fourth?
G (thinking hard)- I forgot that one too. But 5th is definitely a hermit crab. Can we go to get one today?
Me- No, not today.
The kids keep asking when we're going to get hermit crabs. My response so far has been:
-When you can be responsible for putting all your toys away and keep them in thier place (unless, of course you're playing with them), then we'll talk.
Toying with modesty concerning her body
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Conversation with Gavin
Gavin tried to have a conversation with 4 week old cousin Ben.
G- Ben, do you want to go outside and play?
Aunt Bri- I don't think he can.
G- Why, did he forget his snowpants?