Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Glacier Highlight

Our trip to Glacier National Park was nothing less than fantastic. I have many highlights to share, but one in particular is...

The kids became "Junior Rangers" during our trip. They had to complete at least 5 pages in a booklet in order to get their certificate, but they completed the entire booklet, so, not only did they become Junior Rangers- receiving a certificate and a Junior Ranger badge- but they also received a beautiful blue patch. As they were "sworn in" as Junior Rangers, they pledged to do this and that to protect the plants and animals in Glacier Park as well as all other areas of nature they will encounter throughout their lives. At the end of the swearing in, the ranger called the attention of everyone in the visitor center at the given moment to congratulate them on their accomplishment. At this time, all eyes were on the newest Junior Rangers of Glacier National Park, and they were given an applause that rocked the house. It was soooo cute- the kids had pride written all over their sweet little faces. I was all choked up. They were very serious about all this Junior Ranger business, so much so, that when Lilah caught a mom and her kids innocently feeding some ground squirrels, she walked up to them (on her own accord) and told them that it was against the rules to feed any wildlife at the national park.

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