Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kids say the darndest things

Emma and Gavin had a playdate at their friend Jonna's house yesterday. Whenever I drop the kids off at someone's house, I'm always a little nervous about what they might say in my absence. I try very hard to teach the kids good manners, but who knows what'll come out of their mouths at any given time, especially when I'm not around.

I felt compelled to warn Teresa (mom of Jonna) about how Gavin feels right at home wherever he goes. He says it how he sees it, without regard to social ettiquette. I asked her not to hold it against me if he said something off the wall, that normally might offend people. She laughed and told me about a boy who came to her house and commented on all the dust.

So I went on my merry way, and returned after a couple of hours. After few minutes of recapping the events that transpired during the playdate, Teresa shared with me a comment from Gavin:

He said, "Wow, your house sure is messy!"
I tried to fix the damage by saying:
"You should see our house. I'm surprised he would say that, since our house is much messier."
Gavin pipes in and adds:
"No it's not! (pointing) Look at that room, and look at that room! Their house is WAY messier than ours!"

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