Sunday, August 19, 2007

Never a dull moment

I like to think of Mike and myself as attentive parents, but Emma seems to have a natural ability of putting herself in harms way. Like, for instance, the time when she was 18 months old and moved a stool, then climbed upon it to get into the kitchen sink, all the while sitting next to a butcher knife that was strategically placed behind the faucet in a seemingly safe, out of reach place. Or, the time when she tried to move the 25 inch television and it fell to the floor. Or, the time when she decided to try to shave her upper lip. (note the upper lip in the photo)

Somehow, she escapes these incidents, for the most part, unharmed.

Last night, after attempting a headfirst dive from a coffee table into a couch to land a handstand, (this doesn't sound good, does it?) Emma came to me crying. She was crying pretty hard, and I was trying to figure out exactly what was hurting her and she kept saying her neck and the top of her head. She continued crying with her head resting on my shoulder as I held her and stroked her head and back. Within about 30 seconds she became quiet, so naturally, I asked if she felt better. She didn't answer and I realized that she had lost consciousness. Ok, at this point I'm totally freaking out, trying to wake her up. After what seemed like a lifetime (about 10 seconds), she came to and continued crying. Within a few minutes, she stopped crying, and was ready to resume play. It was as if nothing happened. Not being one to take a temporary loss of consciousness lightly, I called the nurse line. Per advice of the Dr., I proceded to take her to the ER, to make sure everything was o.k. After a thorough check and a head CT to rule out any kind of bleeding, Emma was given a clean bill of health, and we were given a checklist of what to keep an eye out for. The reason for the passing out remains a mystery- maybe from pain, or from not taking a breath while crying- whatever the reason, I'm overjoyed to say that she is totally normal, at least in the Emma sense of the word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes! I am so glad she is OK!!!
Love, Grandma Schulz