Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Breaking my heart...

The other day, I found Gavin with his elbows on the table and forehead resting in his hands, hovering over his cereal.  I asked him what was wrong.  He lifted his sweet little head, just enough to say through his crocodile tears, "I miss Duncan."  I tried to comfort him, saying, "I know you do, Buddy.  I miss him, too.  We all do.  He was such a great dog."  He kept crying, and I said, "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"  and he replied, "No, not unless you can bring him back from heaven, and I know there's no way you can do that!"
I just couldn't say anything- and did my best to fight back my own tears.  After 3 months, I still miss him so much.  He was the best!  (No offense to Lola- she's winning us over, too.)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Scratch that remark

Sometimes, I say things before I really think, and want to take back what I've said as soon as the words come out.  It's like I can see the words coming out of my mouth in slow motion, and want to stuff them back in before anybody actually can hear them.

Like this weekend, for example.  I had a conversation with Gavin about movies.  It went something like this...

G- When can I watch a PG13 movie?
Me- When you are 13.
G- What's after PG13?
Me- R.
G- What's after R?
Me- NC17
G- What's after NC17?
Me- X  (That is the word I wanted to take back)
G- What's after X?
Me- Nothing.
G- I bet X movies are really scary!
Me- Yep.
G- Do you and Daddy watch X movies?
Me- Nope.
G- Do Grandma and Grandpa watch X movies?
Me- I don't think so.
G- Do you know anybody who watches X movies?
Me- Not anyone I can think of.  Let's change the subject.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Social grace eludes him at times...

-like this weekend when he said to me- "Mommy, I think you need to start working out more."  I said, "Why do you say that?"  He answered, "Because of your legs."  And I said, "What about my legs."  And he said, "They're kind of floppy."
Thank you Gavin, for your brutal honesty!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Inquiring Mind

G- "Mommy, why do people think belly buttons are so funny?"