Friday, September 28, 2007
A little breakfast conversation
Me- Well, they help protect your eyes from the sun's rays.
G- Or help you get cool!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Mommy, I sleeped with my necklace on and I didn't choke, and I didn't even die!
I can still hear her voice in my head, exactly the way she said it. It was so sweet.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Worth an Argument
I have to mentally prepare the kids prior to riding in an elevator. After 4 years, I think I have it down to a science. It usually goes something like this:
"O.k. guys. We're going to get on an elevator. Emma, you push the up button to get the elevator here. Gavin, you'll push number 2 on the elevator panel. Lilah, you push door closed."
Sweet Dreams
G-Mommy, I just want to tell you 2 things I want for my birthday. (not even a good morning preceded this statement)
Me-What's that?
G-Um, a mote control hellercopter and a mote control dragonfly. And there's just one more thing, a Ben Ten watch. (all of this said from one breath)
Me-We'll see about that.
I'm a little worried about having a remote control anything-that-flies in our house. Is there such a toy for little kids? He said he saw it on t.v., but maybe these toys were just figments of Gabbo's dream.
Speaking of dreams, I dreamed of pokemon cards last night.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Mr. Kotter...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Yanker Doodle Dandy
I was giving Lilah her backrub tonight and asking her for more details about her day. She told me:
"Today, I told everybody at school that my cousin got a Chocolate Yankerdoodle."
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Worth an Argument
Following is an example of absurdity:
About a month ago, we were going to go to the zoo. The kids were getting into the car and I was bringing our lunches from the house to the car. When I opened the car door I heard high-pitched shouts and cries of tattling. Whenever someone is tattling, they draw out the word Mommy- like Maaaahmmeeee-
G-"Mommy, Lilah wants to use one of my motorcycles and make a voice for it, but it's a motorcycle and motorcycles can't talk!"
L-"But he won't let me be one of his motorcycles, and he has two. I can make a voice if I want!"
G-"But, it's a motorcycle, and motorcycles don't talk!"
This went on, despite my attempts at mediation- "Gavin, can't she just be one of your motorcycles? Lilah, can't you just think of something else to play with?", until, finally, I actually pulled the car over and said something like, "You two need to solve this (I wanted to add in ridiculus here, but didn't) problem in 10 seconds, or I might be tempted to take the motorcycles and throw them out the window." I can't remember what happened next, but we still have the motorcycles.
Last night, I asked Emma to get me a kleenex. I thought she didn't hear me, so I asked Lilah- o.k. I'm a little lazy, but I'm sick and I was in the middle of doing something. So, Lilah brings me a kleenex and Emma comes running around the corner beginning to cry- "You asked me to bring you a kleenex first!" My response to this- "I'm sure I'll have the need for both of the kleenexes- thank you." Trying to outdo Lilah in her act of cooperation, Emma brought me the enitre box of kleenexes. It's funny how compliant the kids can be when they see helpfulness as a competition.
I think I'll regularly post some of the interesting argument-worthy topics of our household.- Anybody have a better title?- maybe I should just call it Crazy People
Monday, September 17, 2007
Relatively uncorrupted thus far
Me- What did he say?
Emma- I can't say, because you'll be mad at me.
Me- It was that bad?
Emma- Yeah.
Me- What did the word start with?
Emma- I think F
Lilah- Yeah, it starts with an F
Emma- It's kind of like a fluffer, but you don't like when we say that word.
We must cherish these precious innocent moments when the kids think that the bad word that begins with "F" is fart!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Fashion Queen
Accessories are an added bonus to any outfit.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Bedtime Conversation
Tonight, Gavin was rubbing his chin and started a conversation-
G- Mommy, am I growing a mustache?
Me- No.
G- Feel it.
Me- That's your chin, and men grow beards on their chins.
G- Will people laugh at me because I'm growing a beard?
Me- Well, you're not actually growing a beard. I think you have something stuck on your face.
G- Oh, guess what? You wanna know what? Somebody got in trouble at school today, and it was a girl and she always gets in trouble.
Me- Why is that?
G- Her brain doesn't tell her the right things to do. And guess what?
Me- Hmm?
G- My teacher read a story about a vulture and a crocodile and other animals. (starts to crack up remembering the story) It was really funny when the crocodile tried to eat the tiger. Do crocodiles eat tigers? How do crocodiles eat tigers?
Me- I'm not quite sure they do. - Did you play with anyone today?
G- I don't remember the guy's name, but he's the guy with the red coat and we played power rangers.
At this point, we ended the backrub with a guessing game.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A Calgon Moment
If you're wondering about the annoying squeaking, that's the incessant squeezing of Duncan's toy, brought to you by Lilah.
(Video taken on Aug. 8, 2007)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Can I sleep in your bed?
Why not?
Because you move around too much, and it's just too crowded with 3 people in the bed.
I promise I'll be very still.
No, honey. You need to sleep in your own bed.
Please. I promise you can sleep by yourself tomorrow night.
No, honey.
I promise I'll give you some of my candy.
I promise, tomorrow you can sleep by yourself, and I'll give you some of my candy.
No, but I'll lay with you in your bed for a few minutes.
O.k. (with a frown)
Last night, after getting everyone tucked in their beds, I went to bed and started to read. After a few minutes, I heard Mike through the intercom telling Lilah to go back to bed- she gets out of bed a lot to tell us she can't get to sleep- A few minutes later, I saw a little head pop around the corner, and heard Gavin's little low voice say-
Mommy, can I sleep with you? (as he's climbing up into my bed before hearing my answer)
How did you sneak by Daddy? Speaking of Daddy, you'll have to go downstairs when he comes up.
Because it's too crowded.
(ignoring my response) Promise you'll let me sleep with you all night.
Gavin, please just lay down and go to sleep. I think Daddy might be upset when he comes upstairs and sees you in our bed. He's already talked to Lilah about staying in bed.
Will he yell at me.
Will he yell at you?
I don't think so, but please go to sleep.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Kindergartners Extraordinaire
After tea time, I helped Gavin and Emma with their "homework." I interviewed them about their day. They were supposed to tell me about their first day of school by filling in the blanks of a questionnaire. One of the sentences to complete was- I played with _______. When I asked Gavin this, I said, "I played with blank," and expected that he would tell me the name of a friend. Instead he said, "Who's blank?"
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Lilah Schulz- Second Grader Extraordinaire
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
We have made it a family tradition to go to the State Fair each year. We end up doing the same thing, eating the same foods, and seeing the same things every year. We even have pictures of the kids doing the same thing each year. I can't quite get the same effect from the barbeque booth as I got from 2005
After spending a lovely day at the Fair (5 hours), it was finally time to play a game. Gavin and Emma both chose the water shooting game, almost the same game Gavin won yesterday. I helped Gavin and Mike helped Emma- can you see where we went wrong here? I couldn't believe my eyes, but Mike and Emma won the game- there were about 10 other people playing the game, including adults and ambitious teenagers. Emma got to choose a large stuffed dog. (by the way, we acquired 5 new stuffed animals over the last 2 days!) Gavin became completely hysterical. He was pacing around. Tears streaked his very dirty face while he yelled at me, telling me why he should get to play another game, and how it was unfair that Emma won, and so on. I kept my cool and sat holding him, trying to console him, then finally, in a very calm voice, told him to sit down in the wagon. I noticed lots of people staring, I'm sure thinking, thank God I'm not her. After a few more minutes of insanity, a girl of about 9 years came to us with a big neon green stuffed dog and asked if she could give it to Gavin. At this point, I didn't care what lesson he was learning, I could have kissed that girl's feet. I talked to the mom of the girl, because, I really didn't want to take the girl's prize, but I just wanted Gavin to stop. I guess somebody gave her a life-sized gorilla to carry around for the rest of the day, and they wanted to share the love. Gavin did, infact, stop crying, and thanked the girl.
Here are some things we learned from all of this:
1. Mike always helps kids play the game
2. One family member playing a game at a time
3. Make your kid eat something more than a giant lollipop and some corn while spending a day at the Fair
4. LOP's must be immediate
5. Avoid the Midway at all costs
We did actually have a great time, tantrum notwithstanding. Some highlights:
*The Miracle of Birth Center (baby farm animals)
*The Giant Slide, The Sky Needle, and the Trampoline (those were the 3 rides we agreed to do because they're part of the tradition)
*Corndogs, cheesecurds, scotch egg, roasted corn, cotton candy (Lilah), Lollipops (E & G), chocolate chip cookies
*Little Farm Hands
*Again, the general enthusiasm toward EVERYTHING
*People Watching
*Big Neon Green Stuffed Dog
J (trying not to laugh)- Oh, why's that?
It was really strange, and extremely quiet around here for those four days. I don't think they missed us very much. Although I feel a little underappreciated and saddened by this, I'm glad that they feel so comfortable and at ease that they don't pine for us while we're gone.
They were a bit Playstation crazed from my understanding, during their time at the Groves' house. We don't have video games, so they wanted to play all the time. I reminded them that that's a toy for older kids and that you have to be at least 10 in order to get one. I just can't put myself through the pain of all the battles that will arise- between children and between parent and child. I'm standing my ground on this one.
It was great to see them finally on Thursday. They were so excited to tell me about everything they did. I think they all got along very well, much better than they do at home. The only battles were, of course over whose turn it was to play the SpongeBob game on the Playstation.
Cousins, Hannah and Rachel came to our house when I picked up the kids. It's so fun to watch them all interact. The Schulz kids really love their cousins!