Friday, December 28, 2007
It never gets old in the minds of babes
Under where?
(followed by a roar of laughter everytime)
Inquiring mind
How come Peter Pan wears tights?
Are we almost there?
Why do snowmans always have to be bald?
When will we get there?
What was the first day of the world?
How long will it take us to get there?
G- Is God everywhere?
Me- yes
G- In the car?
Me- yes
G- Is he even in my carseat? (asked as though he worried he might sit on God)
Are we almost there yet?
Is God making it snow? Why is God making it snow?
How much do I have to count to until we're there?
What is the biggest number in the whole wide world?
What's bigger than googleplex?
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
How was your day?
Gavin seems to think that I'm wondering about his behavior because his response is always either:
(9 times out of 10) No time outs!
I accidentally forgot to follow the rules about... and I had a teeny tiny time-out
Usually when there is a time-out, his response is followed by something regarding his friend Max. Max and Gavin get along splendidly, too well, in fact. Gavin and Max like to play around, sometimes at inappropriate times. Gavin adores Max. He even named his new webkinz Elephant "Max." His big neon green dog is also named Max.
Gavin (and Emma) were in a Spanish program last week. Max was also in the program. Mike and I noticed the strategic placement of the two boys. One at one end of the line, and the other at the other end of the line.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Style by Emma
Go figure!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Inquiring minds want to know
G- Daddy, how do the lights change? Does God do it?
Mike- A computer tells the lights when to change.
Mike- No, a computer in the lights makes the lights change.
G- How do they fit a computer in there?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Lost and Found
I'm still wondering about two pairs of mittens and Lilah's snowpants. Don't even get me started on socks.
Monday, December 10, 2007
A chip off the old block...
It's funny that I have so little patience with my own children's chaotic, disordered way of living. You'd think I would be able to be show more empathy in this regard.
For instance..
Last Friday Gavin exited the bus, basically falling apart at the seams. His coat was unzipped, hat practically falling off, and his backpack flung over one arm, wide open. As I watched the bus drive away, I checked the contents of the backpack to find a lone shoe and a solitary glove. He just got a new coat and nice new gloves to match. We implore him to keep track of his stuff, to no avail.
Since this is his 3rd pair of mittens, I became a little frustrated with his inability to keep his things organized. He's even lost the mismatched mittens I've sent with him. I mentioned this to my mom, and asked, "was I this bad?" To this she responded: "Let me see. I remember the day you got your new 300 dollar retainer, and lost it later that very same day." O.K. so I'm not perfect.
Mondays are the days when I pick up the kids from school so we can get to Lilah's piano lesson on time. Needless to say, I went a few minutes early, so I could check the bus for the lost shoe and glove. As soon as the bus driver saw me, she got up and said, "You need a shoe and a glove? I try to stop him before he gets on and off the bus and help him contain all his stuff."
O.k., so at this point we found the glove and the shoe, and we're about to be on our merry way, but first, we need to stop at the lost and found to see if we can locate Lilah's snowpants, and possibly my hat that Lilah borrowed one day last week. The one that I bought specifically to go with my jacket. The one that has been missing for a few days. The same one that she promised she'd take care of, and is sure she did bring home. Neither are in the lost and found, so we decide to go to the car. As we're walking through the hall, I look down on the floor outside the office, and what do I see, the hat that I've been looking for.
The snowpants are still missing, but, maybe they'll show up too.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Sinter Claus
Tonight we had a conversation:
Me: So, did you get sticks in your shoe?
E & G in unison- No
Me: What did you get?
G & E- Candy and a finger puppet
Me- Did anyone get sticks?
G- Nope! Not even Natalia!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Naughty or Nice
Me- What do you think?
G- The good list. Yeah, for sure the good list. If Emma's on the good list then I have to be on the good list, because we're twins.
Me- Who said Emma's on the good list?
G- Well, she has to be, because you have to do every bad thing in the world to be on the bad list.
Me- Well, in that case, I guess you guys all made it on the good list.
They would definitely be on the good list at any rate, because they've all been very nice.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Inquiring minds want to know...
(At this point I've got three sets of eyes staring at me, as if to say, "Yes, mommy, please enlighten us!" while I'm thinking, "Oh Crap!")
Me- Well, a mommy has to work really hard, and push the baby out.
G- But, WHERE, does the baby come out?
I'll spare you the details of my response. But I will add that I was utterly relieved that noone asked how the baby got in there in the first place.
This isn't the first time I've been approached with questions regarding human reproduction. I've been fairly clever in the past with my ability to skirt the issue/change the subject/or give just enough information to satisfy the burning desire to know the truth. I don't think I'll get away with these tactics anymore. I'm sure there's a book out there to help me figure out the best way to answer their questions. I guess I'm in the market for one of those.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
And the fun begins...
The morning chaos was bad enough before adding snow to the picture. Don't get me wrong, I love the snow. I think it's beautiful, and there are so many fun activities to do in the snow. It's just so much harder to get the kids out the door.
Before leaving for the bus stop at 8:05 we need to get a few things together.
1. Lunches made and ready to go
2. Backpack with contents for the day, including:
snowpants, tennis shoes, homework folder, Monday- Lilah's library book, Tuesday- Emma and Gavin's library books, Wednesday- Lilah's swimming gear in her swim bag (goggles, swimsuit, towel, swimcap) Spanish Folder and Dictionary (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
3. Winter Gear- hat, boots, mittens, scarf, jacket
I have taken on the responsibility of getting together all items in the above list. The three munchkins are responsible for:
1. eating their breakfast
2. brushing their hair
3. brushing their teeth
4. getting dressed
None of the three ever seem to exhibit any sense of urgency, Gavin being the worst. He likes to take in all life has to offer, and gets distracted easily. With this in mind, we have a system in place that Mike started last year when he was the morning adult assigned to getting-ready-for-the-day duty. The timer is set to go off at 7:59. Whoever has the 4 jobs finished gets 4 tallies. It works pretty well. If they're not done in time, we have a few minutes to spare, just in case we need it, which we always do. Getting 4 tallies is pretty important to the kids, so a friendly reminder every 3-5 minutes usually helps them kick things into gear. I'm happy to say that we haven't missed the bus so far.
Oh, I implemented the rule- No playing the piano until you have finished 1-4. Everytime we're in a hurry or a lot is going on, inevitably someone feels a sudden urge to play the piano, just to add more spice to the chaos.
Monday, December 3, 2007
On a more serious note...
Tonight, after watching Duncan hack a bit, Gavin came up to me, nearly in tears, saying "Do you think Duncan is going to live until Christmas. I hope he does. I think he will. Yes, he's going to." (cheered himself up with his positive talk)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Sensitive One
G- Why did you guys move away from Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Me-Well, I never lived there. Daddy lived there when he was growing up.
G- Why did he move?
Me- He moved when he became a grown up. He went to college and then moved to Colorado. Then we moved here. Someday you'll probably have a family and live somewhere else too.
G- (fighting back the tears) Will I still get to see you and Daddy?
Me- Of course you will. I love you very much. We'll always be able to see each other.
G- (voice crackling, lip quivering, and still fighting back tears) O.K.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Skip to my Lou, my Emma
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Three-legged chicken solution
As much as I try to rationalize buying two chickens by having a purpose other than not wanting to deal with sorting out who gets the legs, it really does comes down to that.
Special Friends
Gavin's special friends:
Luke (as in Skywalker)- a spotted frog (webkinz)
Max- the big neon green dog Gavin received, not won, from the State Fair- (thanks to the kind girl who gave up her big stuffed dog to a tantrumming hungry/tired boy)
Teddy- the bear Mike gave him for Christmas a few years ago
Black Bear- the stuffed animal we got for Gavin after the dreaded flood in the basement
Groovy Baby- he used to like to sleep with this one- he has grown out of it, but we still have it
Ello- the giant stuffed elephant that sleeps with Gavin
Brownie- a chocolate lab stuffed animal
Emma's special friends:
Burp- a random doll she's become attached to- dresses it up in her old baby clothes she found in the box under my bed
Teddy- the bear Mike gave her for Christmas- same year Gavin got his
Snuffy- the dog Emma won at the State Fair
Build-a-Bear- she calls it that even though it's a monkey
Sarafina- the white fluffy cat Emma picked out after the dreaded basement flood
Simba- a lion webkinz
Lilah's special friends:
Renae- a black lab webkinz
Nikki- American Girl Doll
Little Lamb- a soft beanie baby she got as a newborn on the day she came home from the hospital
Lucy- a cloth stuffed doll- I can't, for the likes of me, remember where this one came from
Teddy- the stuffed animal given to her for Christmas by Suzy, her first daycare provider- Teddy is missing his nose and has been since his second day with us. Norman delicately removed the nose, and only the nose.
Warning- a stuffed dog that was lost in Grand Rapids, MN, the day Josh and Bri were married. Lilah had a hard time accepting that Warning was lost. We really did search far and wide to no avail. I include it because I liked the name. She really liked the dog too. It was named warning because of the "warning" printed on the tag.
Snowbell- the identical cat that Emma has- again, an attempt to appease the kids due to the loss of so many toys in the flood
Pooh- named for obvious reasons - Pooh survived the flood- he was the first thing I saw floating at the bottom of the stairs when I realized that the basement was flooded
I know there are more that I can't think of, because all too often, when we're getting ready to leave the house, someone will delay our departure because of the need to bring along a stuffed animal, referred to by a name that I've never heard of.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A quote from Gavin
-Mommy, pause the book. I need to go get a drink of water.
I think he's become too accustomed to the DVR
Saturday, November 10, 2007
More Fall Fun
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Can somebody please tell me where I can buy a three leggged rotisserie chicken?
Gone hunting....
"Yeah, he'll be tired form all his hard work shooting the deers."
Sounds like a sarcastic remark, but I don't think it was intended to be so. I guess she thinks he's out there trying to provide for our family.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Fall Fun
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Inquiring Mind Wants to Know
(randomly asked by Gavin)
Another Quote from Gavin
Apparently Gavin was hugging best friend Max, most likely at an inappropriate time. It seems like I'm portraying Max as some sort of bad influence, but, really he's a nice kid. They all just have so much fun together.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Bedtime Conversation With Gabbo
Me- Who did you sit next to at lunch?
G- I was supposed to sit next to Natalia, but it's a good thing I moved over and sat next to Ethan.
Me- Why did you do that?
G- Because I don't like Natalia.
Me- Well, don't you think it might hurt her feelings if you try not to sit by her?
G- That's ok because she doesn't like me either.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Missing teeth
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Fashion Queen Part 2
She just wears pants with a dress. Stripes were the obvious theme today.
She also has a problem with jeans. She won't wear them. So, it's all about stretchy cotton pants, dresses and skirts.
Money Well Spent
If you need help deciphering:
I love my mom, dad, family. My dog is nice.
Worth a Raised Voice
Sitting down for breakfast- Lilah and Emma both have Blue's Clues bowls and Gavin has a yellow one. They are sitting at the island in this order- Emma, Gavin, Lilah
L- Look, I see a pattern here. Blue's Clues bowl, yellow bowl, Blues Clues bowl. And look, girl, boy, girl
E- Hey! I was going to say girl, boy, girl. (said in an annoyed-that-Lilah-stole-her-thunder kind of way)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A quote from Gavin
Mommy, can you turn on the lights because all I can see is nothing.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A Tuesday night with the Schulz's
G- I love that toothpaste.
Mike- Then why don't you marry it?
G- I can't marry toothpaste or else I would have to eat the whole thing every day. What's your favorite spiceness?
Mike and Gavin also had the fortunate experience of watching 4 raccoons scaling our fence. Gavin was the one who noticed them. He saw them out the deck door.
The picture is really dark, but you get the point. Duncan hung out outside with the raccoons, like they're good friends. He didn't bark or anything.
I had the lucky task of taking the girls to Old Navy and Target. The girls are really funny in a clothing store. So many comments- "Do you think this would look good on me?" "This would look cute on Lilah!" "I really need a new sweatshirt" "Do you like this one or this one?" "This dress is really cute!"
After Old Navy we headed to Target. We were were in the health section and Lilah brought a giant box of pantyliners to me (133 to be exact) and asked me if they were band-aids.
The main reason we went to Target was to buy a fancy notebook for Lilah. She wants to write about the books she reads at home. While she was agonizing over her choices- shimmery, puppies, flowers, or princesses, Emma was sifting through notebooks for herself. She brought one to me and said:
E-Can I get this one?
Me- We have lots of notebooks at home. Why do you need a new one?
E-I want to write things in it.
Me- Like what?
E- Um, like, I love my mom and dad.
Guess who has a new notebook.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
The advantage of having your twins in the same Kindergarten class....
While walking home from the bus today, Gavin shared some information about the school day.
G- Emma had a time out in class today, but I didn't. I never have a time out because I always do the right thing, except that one time at lunch.
Me- What happened Emma?
E- Um, I don't member. But, it wasn't really a time out. It was like, um, a break.
Me- Really? So what happened that you had to take a break?
E- Um, I don't member what happened.
Me- I think you should sit on the couch and think about your day so you can remember. We'll need to come up with some ideas to help you so you don't have to take a break again.
(Entering the house)
Me- Come sit on the couch with me so we can remember about your day.
E- Oh yeah, I member now. Max was trying to goof around with me.
Me- Really? Was there anything more?
E- Oh yeah, and I was honking his nose. And the teacher was reading a story.
By the way, Emma informed me 2 days ago that Max is planning on marrying her.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Dancing Queen
The lighting in this clip is really bad, but I think you can still see Emma's sweet moves.
Friday, September 28, 2007
A little breakfast conversation
Me- Well, they help protect your eyes from the sun's rays.
G- Or help you get cool!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Mommy, I sleeped with my necklace on and I didn't choke, and I didn't even die!
I can still hear her voice in my head, exactly the way she said it. It was so sweet.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Worth an Argument
I have to mentally prepare the kids prior to riding in an elevator. After 4 years, I think I have it down to a science. It usually goes something like this:
"O.k. guys. We're going to get on an elevator. Emma, you push the up button to get the elevator here. Gavin, you'll push number 2 on the elevator panel. Lilah, you push door closed."
Sweet Dreams
G-Mommy, I just want to tell you 2 things I want for my birthday. (not even a good morning preceded this statement)
Me-What's that?
G-Um, a mote control hellercopter and a mote control dragonfly. And there's just one more thing, a Ben Ten watch. (all of this said from one breath)
Me-We'll see about that.
I'm a little worried about having a remote control anything-that-flies in our house. Is there such a toy for little kids? He said he saw it on t.v., but maybe these toys were just figments of Gabbo's dream.
Speaking of dreams, I dreamed of pokemon cards last night.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Mr. Kotter...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Yanker Doodle Dandy
I was giving Lilah her backrub tonight and asking her for more details about her day. She told me:
"Today, I told everybody at school that my cousin got a Chocolate Yankerdoodle."
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Worth an Argument
Following is an example of absurdity:
About a month ago, we were going to go to the zoo. The kids were getting into the car and I was bringing our lunches from the house to the car. When I opened the car door I heard high-pitched shouts and cries of tattling. Whenever someone is tattling, they draw out the word Mommy- like Maaaahmmeeee-
G-"Mommy, Lilah wants to use one of my motorcycles and make a voice for it, but it's a motorcycle and motorcycles can't talk!"
L-"But he won't let me be one of his motorcycles, and he has two. I can make a voice if I want!"
G-"But, it's a motorcycle, and motorcycles don't talk!"
This went on, despite my attempts at mediation- "Gavin, can't she just be one of your motorcycles? Lilah, can't you just think of something else to play with?", until, finally, I actually pulled the car over and said something like, "You two need to solve this (I wanted to add in ridiculus here, but didn't) problem in 10 seconds, or I might be tempted to take the motorcycles and throw them out the window." I can't remember what happened next, but we still have the motorcycles.
Last night, I asked Emma to get me a kleenex. I thought she didn't hear me, so I asked Lilah- o.k. I'm a little lazy, but I'm sick and I was in the middle of doing something. So, Lilah brings me a kleenex and Emma comes running around the corner beginning to cry- "You asked me to bring you a kleenex first!" My response to this- "I'm sure I'll have the need for both of the kleenexes- thank you." Trying to outdo Lilah in her act of cooperation, Emma brought me the enitre box of kleenexes. It's funny how compliant the kids can be when they see helpfulness as a competition.
I think I'll regularly post some of the interesting argument-worthy topics of our household.- Anybody have a better title?- maybe I should just call it Crazy People
Monday, September 17, 2007
Relatively uncorrupted thus far
Me- What did he say?
Emma- I can't say, because you'll be mad at me.
Me- It was that bad?
Emma- Yeah.
Me- What did the word start with?
Emma- I think F
Lilah- Yeah, it starts with an F
Emma- It's kind of like a fluffer, but you don't like when we say that word.
We must cherish these precious innocent moments when the kids think that the bad word that begins with "F" is fart!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Fashion Queen
Accessories are an added bonus to any outfit.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Bedtime Conversation
Tonight, Gavin was rubbing his chin and started a conversation-
G- Mommy, am I growing a mustache?
Me- No.
G- Feel it.
Me- That's your chin, and men grow beards on their chins.
G- Will people laugh at me because I'm growing a beard?
Me- Well, you're not actually growing a beard. I think you have something stuck on your face.
G- Oh, guess what? You wanna know what? Somebody got in trouble at school today, and it was a girl and she always gets in trouble.
Me- Why is that?
G- Her brain doesn't tell her the right things to do. And guess what?
Me- Hmm?
G- My teacher read a story about a vulture and a crocodile and other animals. (starts to crack up remembering the story) It was really funny when the crocodile tried to eat the tiger. Do crocodiles eat tigers? How do crocodiles eat tigers?
Me- I'm not quite sure they do. - Did you play with anyone today?
G- I don't remember the guy's name, but he's the guy with the red coat and we played power rangers.
At this point, we ended the backrub with a guessing game.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A Calgon Moment
If you're wondering about the annoying squeaking, that's the incessant squeezing of Duncan's toy, brought to you by Lilah.
(Video taken on Aug. 8, 2007)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Can I sleep in your bed?
Why not?
Because you move around too much, and it's just too crowded with 3 people in the bed.
I promise I'll be very still.
No, honey. You need to sleep in your own bed.
Please. I promise you can sleep by yourself tomorrow night.
No, honey.
I promise I'll give you some of my candy.
I promise, tomorrow you can sleep by yourself, and I'll give you some of my candy.
No, but I'll lay with you in your bed for a few minutes.
O.k. (with a frown)
Last night, after getting everyone tucked in their beds, I went to bed and started to read. After a few minutes, I heard Mike through the intercom telling Lilah to go back to bed- she gets out of bed a lot to tell us she can't get to sleep- A few minutes later, I saw a little head pop around the corner, and heard Gavin's little low voice say-
Mommy, can I sleep with you? (as he's climbing up into my bed before hearing my answer)
How did you sneak by Daddy? Speaking of Daddy, you'll have to go downstairs when he comes up.
Because it's too crowded.
(ignoring my response) Promise you'll let me sleep with you all night.
Gavin, please just lay down and go to sleep. I think Daddy might be upset when he comes upstairs and sees you in our bed. He's already talked to Lilah about staying in bed.
Will he yell at me.
Will he yell at you?
I don't think so, but please go to sleep.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Kindergartners Extraordinaire
After tea time, I helped Gavin and Emma with their "homework." I interviewed them about their day. They were supposed to tell me about their first day of school by filling in the blanks of a questionnaire. One of the sentences to complete was- I played with _______. When I asked Gavin this, I said, "I played with blank," and expected that he would tell me the name of a friend. Instead he said, "Who's blank?"
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Lilah Schulz- Second Grader Extraordinaire
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
We have made it a family tradition to go to the State Fair each year. We end up doing the same thing, eating the same foods, and seeing the same things every year. We even have pictures of the kids doing the same thing each year. I can't quite get the same effect from the barbeque booth as I got from 2005
After spending a lovely day at the Fair (5 hours), it was finally time to play a game. Gavin and Emma both chose the water shooting game, almost the same game Gavin won yesterday. I helped Gavin and Mike helped Emma- can you see where we went wrong here? I couldn't believe my eyes, but Mike and Emma won the game- there were about 10 other people playing the game, including adults and ambitious teenagers. Emma got to choose a large stuffed dog. (by the way, we acquired 5 new stuffed animals over the last 2 days!) Gavin became completely hysterical. He was pacing around. Tears streaked his very dirty face while he yelled at me, telling me why he should get to play another game, and how it was unfair that Emma won, and so on. I kept my cool and sat holding him, trying to console him, then finally, in a very calm voice, told him to sit down in the wagon. I noticed lots of people staring, I'm sure thinking, thank God I'm not her. After a few more minutes of insanity, a girl of about 9 years came to us with a big neon green stuffed dog and asked if she could give it to Gavin. At this point, I didn't care what lesson he was learning, I could have kissed that girl's feet. I talked to the mom of the girl, because, I really didn't want to take the girl's prize, but I just wanted Gavin to stop. I guess somebody gave her a life-sized gorilla to carry around for the rest of the day, and they wanted to share the love. Gavin did, infact, stop crying, and thanked the girl.
Here are some things we learned from all of this:
1. Mike always helps kids play the game
2. One family member playing a game at a time
3. Make your kid eat something more than a giant lollipop and some corn while spending a day at the Fair
4. LOP's must be immediate
5. Avoid the Midway at all costs
We did actually have a great time, tantrum notwithstanding. Some highlights:
*The Miracle of Birth Center (baby farm animals)
*The Giant Slide, The Sky Needle, and the Trampoline (those were the 3 rides we agreed to do because they're part of the tradition)
*Corndogs, cheesecurds, scotch egg, roasted corn, cotton candy (Lilah), Lollipops (E & G), chocolate chip cookies
*Little Farm Hands
*Again, the general enthusiasm toward EVERYTHING
*People Watching
*Big Neon Green Stuffed Dog